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About John W. Maly
When not writing novels and short stories, John works as a legal consultant and expert witness in legal cases related to intellectual property and computer technologies.
John founded the consulting firm of John Maly & Associates two decades ago. He has served as an expert witness in a wide variety of computer software and hardware cases, and gained valuable experience teaching technical concepts to non-technical audiences.
He’s worked as a United States patent agent, a hardware engineer on microprocessor design teams, a Unix software engineer, and an inventor. Other glamorous postings include working as a retail droid, fixing broken computers, and selling used golf balls.
He holds seventeen US patents and is an inventor on over a dozen pending patents. His organizational affiliations include the Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, the Order of the Engineer, the Federalist Society, the IEEE and Mensa.
His hobbies include running, swimming, long-distance motorcycling, pinball/video game restoration, caving, scuba diving, classic car restoration, collecting coins, paper money, exotic liquors, meteorites, and tektites. He has done a variety of questionable things: moved to the Bermuda Triangle, became a divemaster, auditioned for Jeopardy, visited all 50 states and 10 Canadian provinces, rock-climbed, slept underwater, judged a rum festival, applied to NASA’s Astronaut Corp, stage-dived, crowd-surfed, bar-fought, ranched llamas, and roasted marshmallows over a volcano. (Not in that exact order…)
JURIS EX MACHINA, winner of the Indies Today award for Best 2024 Science Fiction novel,
is his first book.
Juris Doctor, 2008
MS, Computer Science, 2000
BS, Computer Engineering, 1999
BA, Psychology, 1999